Dayville, OR to Mitchell, OR
Today 38.7 miles
Total 4,211.4
“Patience and persistence have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish” John Quincy Adams
If patience is a virtue, then climbing hills by bicycle is virtuous. Today’s ride included a 2,400 foot climb to Keyes Creek Summit and resulted in our calling it a day after only 38.7 miles and before an even greater climb which we all agreed to leave until tomorrow morning. When riding along flat terrain, my partners and I talk and sing while traveling wheel to wheel in single file. But when hills are encountered, speed drops, separation increases by hundreds of yards and silence prevails. It’s a solitary struggle moving uphill with a full load. I’ve learned that my balance only stays with me to 4 mph so I have to keep up a constant cadence. At that speed, the miles uphill crawl by and, more than physical endurance, a sustained climb requires patience. There is virtue in the climb!
Picture Gorge, the beginning of our climb!
About halfway into the climb we encountered this shoe tree. It’s significance escapes me!
Heading down the other side into volcano country!
Another church biker hostel where the Pastor gave me a much needed haircut!
i always enjoy reading of each day’s adventures and your perspective! I can never forget how much weight you are pushing up those mountains, as i am sure you are aware. Keep safe and enjoy the ride to the finish!
Thanks Adam